A news story appeared in the New Orleans newpaper about the old blue letter street tiles and others who make replicas but no mention of Fig Street Studio who has had them for 8 years.
Sold on the web for the past 8 years, replica blue letter street name tile, letters and numbers several designs see them and other street signs at
http://www.cafepress.com/figstreetstudio/434932 Tiles, magnets, stickers with the individual letters and the big tile murals found in the French Quarter.
For the history of these replica tiles and the original tiles read:
http://blogofbingo.blogspot.com/2006/05/new-orleans-street-tiles.html Ceramic measuring 4.25” x 4.25” and 1/6-inch thick. Images are applied with a polyester resin that accepts dye as part of the coating and heat set onto the ceramic.
Blue Letter Tiles Link

Spanish Tile Street Name Mural Replicas
Quote about the tiles in New York Times-
"One of the most effective methods of designating streets that I have seen is that used in New Orleans. It consists of blue tiles four by six inches and three-quarter inch thick on each of which is a five-inch letter of the alphabet in white. . . . These not only present a neat appearance, but are large enough to be read without difficulty. -- Albert E. Davis of the Bronx, N.Y., in a Dec. 3, 1913, in a letter to the editor of The New York Times."