Voodoo Spell on greeting card- http://ow.ly/Hjlj
Monday, November 30, 2009
RT @figstreetstudio: Germany and UK- Greeting cards, prints, shirts, from Fig Street Studio sold in Europe, http://ow.ly/GXQR
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Fleur De Lis Washout in White on Black T Shirts
Downloading My Art Off The Web Is Prohibited

As a follow up to my blog post about me discovering 2 crafters this month downloading my art off the web I want to mention how I know it was clearly mine. Most of my fine art is signed and a lot of my graphic art shows Fig Street Studio on the image. The ones I do that do not have a name on them have clear marks I put in them. For example my Pontchartrain Beach design above. It is an adaptation of an ad run in a local newspaper in the 1950's. The original black and white image has a clown face and the words "Fun at Pontchartrain Beach" and in the background a hand drawn image of the Zephyr Roller Coaster. My adaptation has a similar clown face I drew, one of the bigger differences is the hat on mine is different than the original and the background in mine is an old aerial photo cut down to one color matching the clown and in different font "Fun, Pontchartrain Beach". The other Pontchartrain Beach images are fashioned from clip art and me adding in the words Pontchartrain Beach working the images so I know I did them. Those are not based in any historical image of the beach, but me selecting images to use. Pontchartrain Beach is not a trademark and in the public domain, my art work is my work product and thus copyrighted by me. All of it takes time and thought so the people who just download it without permission and use it on products will get caught and I will sue to stop them.
The issue is not new I ran into it in the past and will do a separate blog on the past incidents. However the reason it has happen recently is due to how Cafe Press is presenting the products I sell through them. They recently re-designed the presentation of the products using a larger un-protected image then in the past. The old images were too small and fell apart after downloading then enlarging them. They were so blurry they could not be used. The new presentation the images are larger and do not fall apart as badly so they reproduce up to 4 inches slightly blurry. Large enough for smaller crafts like fridge magnets. I have e-mailed Cafe Press to alert them my images need to have a water mark or be prevented from downloading like other companies do my art on the web.
The recent discover of my art being wrongfully used is gross as a lot of the images clearly have my name, mark, or Fig Street Studio on them yet were reproduced on products I also sell. Thus the person who took them has no work product or time in those images and sells them less. Selling my hard work in competition with me on products I also sell. Copyright is a lot easier to enforce now and so happens my brother-in-law does that legal work. As I no longer practice law, I gave it up to do art, he is consulted when this happens. I just hope the people who hijack my art realize I do things to clearly know it is mine and I take steps to protect my copyright. If you see my art being sold let me know via e-mail so I can prevent the wrongful taking of my art.
10 Big Myths about copyright explained- by Brad Templeton
Note that this is an essay about copyright myths. It assumes you know at least what copyright is -- basically the legal exclusive right of the author of a creative work to control the copying of that work. If you didn't know that, check out my own brief introduction to copyright for more information. Click below link for more on not downloading art off the web.

I copyright all of my art, graphic designs, and local phrases. Do not duplicate them I will find out and take legal action.
I have several Pontchartrain Beach designs on the web. Each design has hidden in it my initials, like the clown face. In its hat are small JS initials so I know when it is downloaded off the web and is my art work.
This art sign is created and drawn by me and is not the original sign. It took time for me to create this art and is protected by copyright. Do not download it and use it on products. I have found it on several items for sale locally. I will find those people and sue for damages for illegally using my art.
This is another design I have discovered on items sold locally in New Orleans. It is my art and copyright. Do not buy it if it is used illegally. Do not download it to use, It is a violation of my rights and I will seek damages. Anyone downloading my art to use and sell will be sued.
Abstract art,
Fig Street Studio,
Pontchartrain Beach,
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Pirating Of My Art

Today I went the the French Market to see a friend and buy a camera bag. After getting the bag I saw a young man at a booth selling ceramic tiles so I walked over to see them. I immediately saw some of my art on them and told him these look nice. I asked where he got the images but before he could explain I realized most all were my art. He initially said from a friend. So I introduced myself and said I must know his friend then because all of these are my art work and began to explain how I did the art and noticed some still had my name or Fig Street Art Studio on them. The images were blurry so I told him he download them from the web and after going over several of the images and explain how and where and when I did them he was ready to admit what he did. I told him to be ready to count out the ones and pay me for them before I have my lawyer get involved. This is the second time this month I discovered my art being pirated and sold locally. I wonder who else is doing it?? I going to have to take a day off and look at all the local shops and craft sales to see who is taking my art and selling it without permission. If you see my art anywhere e-mail me so I can stop people from wrongfully taking and selling my art. I work too hard for someone to simply download my art and begin to sell it like that.
Interesting he took ones that are clearly mine especially the Spanish Tile Replicas with my name clearly on them that were a lot of hard work to do. In fact he took one Rue Chartres tile I did just 2 weeks ago for a special order customer, and he under sells me by 50%. I guess because he does not have the time or effort in doing the art to begin with. My tiles are http://www.cafepress.com/figstreetstudio/397643

Friday, November 27, 2009
WHO DAT?-New Orleans Fan Shirt with Fleur De Lis $4 off plus free ship on $35 orders code "ZAZZLEFRIDAY" at http://ow.ly/GdtP
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Master Gardener Abstract Flowers Canvas Tote Bag
Red and Blue Triangles Abstract Art Greeting Cards
Red and Blue Triangles Abstract Art Greeting Cards http://ow.ly/FU4e
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Abstract Flowers and Circles fashion Neckties
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
RT @figstreetstudio: Personalize this Wine Cellar sign right on the web, add your name- http://ow.ly/F3tY
Who Dat? in French on black shirt
Who Dat? in French on black shirt for football fans- http://ow.ly/FcrZ
Monday, November 23, 2009
Unique Wine Cellar Poster
Personalize this Wine Cellar sign right on the web, add your name- https://www.zazzle.com/wine_cellar_poster-228287405787418895
Fig Street Studio sells art and gifts in United Kingdom, Germany and more countries- http://ow.ly/EU0K
Fig Street Studio sells art and gifts in United Kingdom, Germany and more countries- http://ow.ly/EQWq
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Fig Street Studio sells art and gifts in United Kingdom, Germany and more countries- http://ow.ly/EIjI
New Orleans Style Snowman Shirts and cards
New Orleans Christmas Snowman*, personalize T-Shirt https://www.zazzle.com/new_orleans_christmas_snowman_personalize_t_shirt-256605854284531012 via @zazzle
*Little New Orleans Maison Blanche Snowman Christmas designs on shirt and cards-
Fig Street Studio sells art and gifts in United Kingdom, Germany and more countries- http://ow.ly/EFP5
Fig Street Studio sells art and gifts in United Kingdom, Germany and more countries- http://ow.ly/EBLK
French Quarter Replica Tile Murals
How I Make The French Quarter Replica Tile Murals, blog story, http://ow.ly/EBGJ #nola
Toddlers and Infants Tops with "My Grandpaw Is A Biker", motorcycle riding grand father image- http://ow.ly/EAL6
Fig Street Studio sells art and gifts in United Kingdom, Germany and more countries- http://ow.ly/EAqq #UK #Germany
Fig Street Art Goes International
Fig Street Studio can now sell its fine and graphic art internationally. Thanks to the fellows at Zazzle art from New Orleans artist JK Schwehm can be purchased in the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Other countries are being added. Art prints, greeting cards, t-shirts and other unique gifts sold by Fig Street Studio in New Orleans now reach around the world. Stop in the Zazzle Shop at http://www.zazzle.com/figstreetstudio and follow the flag links at the bottom of the page.
Art prints make great gifts and can be direct shipped to the recipient in many countries.

Les salutations de la saison de teckel de pays carte postale PAR figstreetstudio
Faites cartes postales avec photo en ligne sur zazzle

Le rose de teckel t-shirts PAR figstreetstudio
Beaucoup plus de t-shirts personnalisés disponibles sur zazzle.fr
Abstract art,
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
How I Make The French Quarter Tile Murals
People ask about my replica tile murals found in the New Orleans French Quarter and how they are made. It is a long process. The originals are Spanish tiles given to the city of New Orleans in 1962. Some are falling apart. As the designs are public many artists take pictures of them and frame them for sale. I felt making a replica in ceramic tile was a neat idea. First I began by taking many pictures of several of the murals and bringing them to my studio where I could clean them up taking out pealed spots and blemishes. Using a photo software I fixed the colors and added my studio name at the bottom. The end result is a nice image I copyright as it took a lot of work to make those images and are not the originals but replicas. From there I have to properly size the image and cut it into small squares to fit on tiles. This is difficult and takes a lot of time to get the detail so it fits properly together. The smaller individual images are then fitted to special tiles that are made with a special risen and the images heat set at high temperature to make an individual tile. The several tiles then are fitted together to make a mural.
On occasion I am also asked to personalize the design with a name or street address which follows the same process above. If you have a request e-mail it to admin@figstreet.com and I may be able to make it for you. Personalized murals take time to create and a deposit to begin work is required. My shop on Zazzle has posters that are paper and can be personalized on the web see www.zazzle.con/figstreetstudio*
Ceramic murals can be in several sizes but will take time to create. I need what you desire to be changed on the original, I can do a sketch first for approval before tiles are made. The sketch requires a deposit. Pay Pal is available for deposits.
Currently I have available Rue Chartres, Rue Borbon, Rue Orleans, and Place D"Arms. I can do the other street names using the same process but first would need to go fetch photographs of them to start the process.
Here is the link to the web page with the various ones available in several sizes- http://www.cafepress.com/figstreetstudio/4855160
All images sold and designed by Fig Street Studio are copyright and cannot be used, downloaded, or reproduced without permission. I mention this here as in the past someone took my fridge magnet images and re-made and sold them in violation of copyright laws.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
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