Monday, May 19, 2014

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

GRITS: Gays Raised In The South

 This morning I read a comical story in the " Daily Current",  (1) a bogus news outlet like an April Fools edition linking my favorite breakfast food, grits, to homosexuality.  To me it was funny and I took it at poking fun at those homophobic people who must find a root cause for gay people. People are people, and we need not find a "cause" why people are people.We just are. "Ecce Homo!" (2) 
   I also like to poke fun at people who are biased in one way or another, who cannot accept us as we are, warts and all. Although I like to be considered a "fine artist" my humor comes out in graphic art. Usually poking fun at something. Either what I read or experienced at some point in my life. Some so subtle I may be the only one who gets it. Some are right off the wall, silly, strange, whatever. Below are a few I sell on the web on shirts, posters, cards. Enjoy!