Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mardi Gras Meter Beads warm shirt

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Who Dat Shirts

Qui Que, Cajun French for Who Dat

 Local artist sells shirts with Cajun French. All shirts can be personalized on the web, add name, numbers, date. Click image for more information.

Who That Fleur de Lis, JEST DEAUX DAT Tshirts

Can New Orleans win its way to another championship? Let every one know with a shirt saying, "Jest Deaux Dat!"

 Just Two That in Yat Talk. Registered & Protected

Who That Fleur de Lis, JEST DEAUX DAT shirt

Many more New Orleans Fleur De Lis designs see-

Sunday, December 26, 2010

You can have fun and make cash by Tweeting for advertisers, see #ad

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Historic Destination Wedding - Get married in romantic New Orleans for $299.00:

Friday, December 24, 2010

Matisse Nude with Dachshund 2 Posters from

 That pesky Dachshund is showing up in a lot of my silly art. here he is paying homage to a Matisse Nude. The original is unique as it is a painting of things on a table but I made it real life size and not a small statue of a nude sitting on a table with a vase. I also have this composition with a Blue Catfish in a bowl, both silly things done to pay homage to a favorite artist, H. Matisse.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Orleans West End Lighthouse

New Orleans West End Lighthouse Card from

New Orleans West End Lighthouse card
New Orleans West End Lighthouse by figstreetstudio

 The old lighthouse on Lakeshore Drive done in a Matisse style almost. I have it on posters and shirts too. Just trying out some styles on a favorite subject.

Monday, December 20, 2010

: About Fig Street Art Studio: Jerry Schwehm Artist: #artist #wordpress

Buy American Art, Not Cheap Foreign Prints

 While Christmas shopping this year, I went into several places that sell art, frames, prints, and art supplies. I spoke to several people there who were buying some art. They said the prices were good and they could use the art to decorate their home. I asked if they considered buying from an artist and they all said the prices would be too high?? I gave them a short lecture about buying American art from Americans and informed them that my art, made, painted, done all in America by a local guy, me went from $10 and up with framed prints at $50 and up. I also have canvas prints from $150 and up. They were surprised. I think the big stores just brain wash people into thinking the art they sell is cheap when most local artists have very reasonable prices. I urge each of you reading this to buy local. Buy American art, buy here in the USA and avoid those cheap prints done in China. See my art at the below links and help a local artist in America.


Keep America beautiful buy American art from a local artist

Affordable framed art from local artist, $50-

Yes you can get original art made in America painted by an American artist at an affordable price. The sales keep Amrican art and American artists at home not in China or other foreign lands. Keep America beautiful buy American art from a local artist see

Saturday, December 18, 2010

New Orleans Art on porcelain Christmas Ornaments from Fig Street Studio:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Destionation Weddings - Get married in historic New Orleans for $299.00:

Monday, December 13, 2010

Paintings by famous New Orleans Artist JK Schwehm : New Orleans Fig Street Studio

See, review, buy many framed art prints from fasmous local New Orleans artist on web, comes framed ready to hang. Click link-

 Framed Prints from $45, unframed from $10.

 Inexpensive framed prints located at this link:

 A lot more prints and canvas plus framed art at this link:

The Fig Street Studio Report is out! ▸ Top stories from Twitter followers @figstreetstudio

Fig Street Studio news blog: How To Be Added

The Fig Street
 Studio Report
 as shared by JK Schwehm, artist + 4429 followed
 people on Twitter

@figstreetstudio: Fig Street Studio news blog, list of followers included in blog- Follow to be included in this daily blog. Twitter followers posts are listed and then news report made and posted to Twitter daily.

Click Link to view blog then follow @figstreetstudio to be added in when you Tweet something news worthy.

Fig Street Studio news blog, list of followers included in blog- Follow on Twitter @figstreetstudiio to be included

Fig Street Art Studio Info

To the Fig Street Art Studio's art blog.. Famous New Orleans Paintings and Graphic Art by New Orleans painter JK Schwehm. Prints can be signed just e-mail before purchase.

Unique Gifts, Tiles, Prints and Shirts for adults and children: Creative gift ideas from Alliagtors to Zydeco. Louisiana art, Cajun, French Quarter and more nice gifts and shirts creatively designed. Get us to design one for your club or group. E-mail jerryschwehm (at)

We relocated to the New Orleans North Shore after the storm but some art sold in store in French Quarter, Arius Gallery, Jackson Square. New Orleans art, paintings, cards, t shirts and more painted and designed by New Orleans Artist JK Schwehm. Please stop in and see my tiles of New Orleans as I saw it before the storm and as I see it after the storm. Come back and visit here as I add new items each week. Recently several paintings have been chosen to illustrate books. See below. I finished working on a mural for a restaurant see to follow it.

"The last thing practical, no-nonsense 36-year-old New Orleans schoolteacher Nettie Dunbar expects when she gives fourth-grader Anthony detention is having the business end of a gun jammed into her face. But that’s just one surprise that awaits Nettie when she discovers he’d been living on his own in the small shotgun unaware that his mama was lying dead in the shed out back." At

"In Big Muddy River of Stars, her second full-length collection of poems, Alison Pelegrin continues her celebration of the quirks and characters of south Louisiana, tempered now by the devastations of hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. These sassy poems come on like a carnival parade, with boisterous shout-outs to sleepy rivers and Big Shot soda, crawfish and trailer trash and those "git-r-dones" who rebuild homes ravaged by hurricane and high water. " At

Click image to get to the store on the web with lots of art for sale.